About Gold Bangles

Gold Bangles are the latest in gold jewelry fashion. Celebrities from Kate Hudson, Hale Berry, Reese Wotherspoon, Debra Messing to Angelina Jolie are donning gold bangles as an expression of chic.
Gold Bangles are contemporary with new workings of hammered, textured Gold Bangles. Gold Bangles with gems such as diamonds, amethysts, sapphires, topaz are a new take on the classic gold bangle. Pearls have also been added to gold bangles.
Gold bangles differ from gold bracelets in that they are a solid ring of gold whereas a gold bracelet is often made up of gold chains.
Jewelry designers such as Ippolita and Di Modolo have revamped and refashioned the gold bangle with stackable gold bangles.
The way to wear gold bangles is lots of them. Stacking gold bangles lets the bangles mix together in an explosion of colors and textures. Lots of Gold Bangles look like streams of gold. Gold Bangles add movement and life to gold as they move along the wrist and arm. Their movement catches the light to glow like sunshine.