Bollywood Super Stars couple Sonam Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor, that is the reality that ever Bollywood Actors and Actresses are made many scandals with time to time. Best couple of this time in bollywood Soname Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor is also shown in a Scandal view, Sonam Kapoor talks about her equation with Ranbir Kapoor, during a promotional interview for her upcoming film Mausam.When she was asked if she was apologetic about her remarks against Ranbir on Karan Johar’s show, the actress said,“Well,
it was Ranbir who started it all by saying ‘Sonam is not sexy’.I just shot back and said ‘Ranbir is not sexy’. If a man says it, chalta hai. But when a woman says the same thing, nahi chalta hai? That’s sexist! Why should I say ‘sorry’ to him? Just because his father made a hue and cry about it? If Ranbir apologises to me, I shall too.”The Saawariya co-stars are no more in talking terms. She is no more interested in being friends with the Kapoor boy
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